Friday, September 10, 2010

Long Time, No Post

So, I know I only posted once over the summer. But now, summer is over and I'm going to make an effort to start up again.
My summer. It went by in the blink of an eye. But it was absolutely amazing. I got to be me and be me to the fullest. I got to love, be loved, travel, work with kids, sleep (quite a nice change for an insomniac), and feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Alive.
There are so many things I could focus on about the summer, but alas, the summer is over. The first week of school was pretty amazing, and my Theatre Arts 1 class gives me the same alive feeling, along with soccer. I haven't played in years, but these past few weeks have been rediscovering my love for the game.
I guess you could say that things have been going pretty amazing for me lately. Of course, there are other reasons for this, but it's not quite time to blog about that yet. Well, adios for now, whoever might come across this.