Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It's a curious thing.
It moves so slowly,
Yet so quickly.
If you look at the small picture,
Such as a week,
It seems so slow.
But if you look at the big picture,
A year or a semester,
Time has flown by.
It's the same with change.
When you look at the day to day,
Everything seems the same for the most part,
While when you look further back,
The differences will make you marvel.
I guess it works kinda like life.
You have to look at the big picture to better see how things work.


  1. Wow, this is really true. Its an impressive yet difficult thing to take notice of.

  2. meh, its called perception. its what you do with your time that counts.

  3. thanks, Kris.
    And yeah I guess it is, but this is my view on life. Don't hate. Haters are not appreciated.
