Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wow. I have so much going through my head right now that I think it might just explode. I don't even know how to begin processing it.
Why does it always seem that what you want is just out of your reach? And that if it were just a little bit closer and within reach, your life would be SO much simpler. I think that everyone can relate to me here.
But the complicated thing is that I have other options. And those options would make other people happy. The question is, would they make me happy? I suppose that if what I wanted wasn't dangling there, just out of reach, then one of those options would be fine. But it's not. And the other options just don't seem as good, even though they should be. Who knows? I could even possibly be happy if I chose another option. But do I want to try? Because things seem to be getting better and less out of reach. Ah, I'm just confusing myself now, so I know I must be confusing anyone that might be reading this. Okay, let me try to simplify.
I know what I want. But I don't know if what I want is within reach or at all possible.
And there are other options. But they're not what I want, although one option seems like it could be.
So basically, I'm driving myself crazy inside my own head.
Make sense?
I didn't think so either.


  1. So what are those options that are so possibly out of reach, cause you wouldn't know until you try

  2. Well, I can tell you something my lovely boo boo. Whatever you decide to do in your... lovely situation, I will be fine with it. (: don't listen to me giving you a hard time. haha. or just tell me to shutup. which you do anyways, so good job. (:
    Love, boo boo. <3

  3. Actually Erica, I do think that you would kill me in one case... haha (:
    But don't worry, I think I've chosen... Maybe lol.
